Happy Holidays From Milaap!

Looking For Ways to Do Good This Holiday Season?

Donate To Help These Families Save Their Loved Ones

While the rest of the world is warming up to spend time with our loved ones. There are those who are waiting in hospital rooms, ICUs, or their own homes for their loved ones to get better from debilitating life-threatening ailments. This Giving Season, please donate to these families so that their loved ones get the treatment they desparately need. 

Urgent Medical Emergencies Fundraising Now

His Cancer Will Spread Further If His Chemotherapy Doesn't Start Soon

A young couple, Kartik and Tanushree, had never imagined their only child would be fighting cancer one day. For a month, he was given multiple medicines that would relieve his stomach ache for a little while, but not stop it completely. Their child has Burkitt’s Lymphoma, a highly aggressive B-cell cancer. It was in Chennai that they found out their child has a growing tumour inside his abdomen that was cancerous.

In just a day of admitting him to the hospital, the doctor rushed him for a surgery. My heart was pounding with fear as they were preparing my son for the surgery and taking him to the operation theatre.” – Kartik, father. 

The young family needs 20 Lakhs in total to start off with the chemotherapy procedure. 

Only A Liver Transplant Can Save Their Precious Baby

Life took an unexpected turn for these parents when their little bundle of joy, just over 5 months old, is grappling with an unexpected health battle. Born with jaundice, the little boy was always ill. Despite three months of continuous treatments, with monthly admissions, things only got worse. It was in the third month that the family received a heartbreaking news. The baby suffers from a chronic liver disease and only a liver transplant can save their precious baby.

“His body is rejecting food and treatment, all tests say that he is not going to make it without a transplant… He is just a baby. How can fate be this cruel to an infant?” – Shyam, father.

Contributing to this fundraiser, your act of kindness can become a lifeline for Shyam and Jaymalla’s family. The collective power of compassion can save this little boy.

Help my daughter fight Bilateral Retinoblastoma (Loss of Sight In Both Eyes)

It all began when Rasool noticed a tiny dot on her older daughter’s eye. What started as a dismissible concern turned into persistent swelling, forcing Rasool Bi to travel from one city to another in a desperate search for a cure.

“When I ask my elder daughter if she is able to sense anything in front of her, she often says she can but when I put my fingers right in front of her eyes, she doesn’t even blink. I wish everything could go back to normal, my daughters are my everything.” – Rasool.

Her family, both in-laws and parents, are poor themselves, and though they have been doing their best, it isn’t enough for this child’s treatment. Your contributions can help this mother live happily with her daughters. You can save her little girl.

Other Families That Need Your Support

Breast Cancer Threatens To Deprive Two Young Kids Of Their Mother
Tai used to often feel a lump in her breast. Initially, she ignored it as her mother and other people told her that it was probably related to the fact that she had stopped breastfeeding her son. Unfortunately the lump was actually Breast Cancer.
Click Here To Support Tai
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Make Your Holidays Extra Special By Helping Out Those In Need!

“There is no better exercise for your heart than reaching down and helping to lift someone up. 

– Bernard Meltzer